

自己紹介 Self-introduction




「駐在妻 日中」などと検索していると、多くの駐在妻ブロガーが「日中はブログを書く時間に充てている」とのこと。あまりSNSもしないので、発信することには慣れていませんが、備忘録も兼ねて始めてみることにしました。




Hi, my name is Fune-san.


I’m a housewife, on my twenties, and now I’m living with my husband in Singapore.

I left my career in Japan where I dedicated 5 years working as a gavernment employee.

In April 2021, I decided to follow my husband in Singapore.

We’ll be staying here for two and a half more years, ‘till we reach our one thousandth day in Sept. 2023!!!


I have gotten used to my new life here and I want to make the best use of my time, that’s why I started this blog.

As I searched for the key words “expat wife” and “daytime,” the search engine showed” full-time housewives writing a blog during the day.” Many housewife bloggers living overseas said, “I write a blog during the day.”

I decided to start a blog along with notes to myself, though I don’t often use social media and I’m not used to posting things online.


I’ll blog about my daily life in Singapore, about my English studies and other significant interests of mine.