

コロナワクチンについて(2回接種完了) About COVID-19 Vaccination (second dose)







ちなみに、FIN番号はビザに記載されている、マイナンバーみたいなもの。外国人居住者の登録番号のようです(Foreign Identification Number)。


MOH(保健省、Ministry of Health)からのSMSを受けて予約は完了しました。












2回目接種から2週間経つと、普段使っているTrace Togetherというアプリで接種完了マークが出るとのこと。ワクチン接種者は規制が緩和されることを願って、待ちたいと思います。




On August 1st, I got vaccinated at Tanjong Pagar Community Club.


I got my first dose of the vaccine on July 4th.

The vaccination rate is high in Singapore. As of the end of June, most forties have already got vaccinated, and people aged 12 to 39 could request the vaccination.

I made a reservation on the Internet right away.

I needed to type in my name, phone number, FIN number, preferred day, and so on.

By the way, the FIN number on ID is like an Individual Number in words of the Japanese system.

It’s a Foreign Identification Number.

You need it for identification. And also need your phone number because the Singapore government sends you important messages on SMS (Short Message Service).

I got an SMS from MOH (Ministry of Health), then my booking was done.


After my first dose, I didn’t have a fever.

My arm was getting worse since the night of the day. It was hard to move it.

I guess that the Singapore system is excellent and speedy.

Because I could request quickly, and it didn’t take a long time to get vaccinated.


And this time, I got my second dose of the vaccine.

Compared to last time, it was less crowded at Tanjong Pagar Community Club. So it went by so fast from the entrance to vaccination.

I was sure to have a fever after the second dose because of the side effects, so I already bought a medicine (Panadol), instant food, and POCARI SWEAT.

I went to bed after taking a medicine, but I had a slight fever.

My temperature was around 37 degrees all day on the day after the vaccination. I didn’t get worse.

I could move around, and I didn’t feel nauseous and stomachache. So in my case, it was better than having a cold.

I became better, and my temperature was back to normal 2 days after the vaccination.


Two weeks later, I’m going to get the mark on the Trace Together app.

I hope that the regulation for vaccinated people will be relaxed.