

朝の散歩で健康的になりたい(現在2日目) Today is the 2nd day since I started taking a walk in the morning.













I’ve heard that many people in Singapore exercise in the early morning because the sunshine is really strong during the day. But I don’t like to wake up early and don’t want to exercise. So I thought it didn’t matter to me. However, my husband started it a few days ago, and I don’t know why.  So I came along with him.


On the first day, we left home at 7 a.m. And we went walking at Keppel island for 30 minutes. I was surprised that many people were running and walking even if it was a weekday. And there were also many people taking a walk with their dogs.

The sunlight wasn’t stronger during the morning than the day, so I felt really comfortable and relaxed. And the sight I usually see looked different. I felt like more overseas.


Today, I took a walk for one hour. I went farther than yesterday. Unfortunately, on the way home, it became hotter and hotter. I don’t like the sunlight in Singapore at all.


I’ll keep taking a walk in the morning, and then exercise and do the housework in the afternoon (using the air conditioning), lastly play tennis twice a week at night. And then I’ll be more healthy.