

Kindle Unlimitedでe-bookを読み漁る About e-books at Kindle Unlimited

シンガポールで日本語の紙の本を気軽に買うのは難しいので、Kindle unlimitedで本を読むことにしました。





宮沢賢治 銀河鉄道の夜

              日本文学の名作。綺麗な世界観を感じる一方、最後には切なさが待っていまし        た。

角田光代 愛がなんだ

    映画化もされた作品。テルちゃんとマモちゃんの恋の行方が気になって、最後  までドキドキしながら読みました。良い意味で2人とも痛くて見ていられませんでした。

辻村深月 パッとしない子


森絵都 最後は臼が笑う


◎中山七里 護られなかった者たちへ






・株・投資信託 つみたてNISA iDeCo ふるさと納税超入門

・超 雑談力











ハリー・ポッターは英語版も読み、英語読書「Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone」 - 1000日後にバケモノになるふねさん に感想を載せています。




It isn’t easy to buy Japanese paper books in Singapore, so I read e-books at Kindle Unlimited.

There aren’t all books I want to read at Kindle Unlimited. But it’s enjoyable to read free books I’m interested in.

Since the end of June, I’ve read these books. (The points marked with a double circle are my recommendation.) I don’t write any books I didn’t read to the end.



◎Miyazawa Kenji Night On The Milkey Way Train

              It’s one of the most famous books in Japanese literature. There was a beautiful world, but my heart was aching at the end of the story.

◎Kakuta Mitsuyo Just Only Love

              It was made into a movie. I was too curious about what’s going to happen next about Teruko and Mamoru. I was excited about all of the stories. I couldn’t see them because they were absolutely pathetic, but that’s was the good point of this book.

・Tujimura Mizuki パッとしない子 (I don’t know what to say in English.)

              It’s a short story about a teacher and a former student who becomes a famous celebrity. I felt dogmatic of the teacher. It’s the author’s specialty.

・Mori Eto 最後は臼が笑う (I don’t know what to say in English.)

              It’s a short revenge story.

◎Nakayama Shichiri 護られなかった者たちへ (I don’t know what to say in English.)

              It will be made into a movie in Oct 2021. It got harder and harder to read as the story progresses. I empathized with all characters who wanted to protect each loved ones. And also, the book made me about the weakness of the welfare system in Japan.

◎J. K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

              This is one of the best books in the world. I read through it in one sitting.


<About stock investment and bussiness> (I’ll just skip the rest of it.)


When I choose e-books, I usually search for authors who I’ve read before.

I don’t feel like reading books that are wrought authors I’ve never read.

Next time, I want to read books on Japanese literature. There are many books I’ve learned when I was a student, but I’ve never read whole them. For example, Natsume Soseki, Dazai Osamu, Miyazawa Kenji, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, etc.


I already posted about Harry Potter.

And I’ll post about other books reviews.